Earning PDUs

Check out these resources at PMI.org

Check out this great infographic on the talent triangle and what can go into each category.

Reporting PDUs

Click here to manually report your PDUs.  Choose Report PDUs for Courses and Trainings in the left navigation.

Bulk Loading PDUs

The Mile Hi Chapter loads PDUs for chapter members that attend most chapter-sponsored events.  Special notes regarding the bulk load of PDUs:

  • Chapter members' PDUs will be auto-loaded by the chapter. Non-chapter members must register their own PDUs with PMI Global.
  • PDUs are loaded to PMI Global a week post-event on Fridays (e.g., if the event fell on Wednesday the PDUs will be loaded a week and two days later on Friday).
  • Virtual meeting attendees must log in to the virtual meeting with the name that they registered for the meeting. Attendees must be shown in the meeting system as logged in to the meeting for at least 2/3 of the meeting; otherwise, the attendee’s PDUs will not be loaded and the attendee must accurately report the PDUs themselves.
  • Please do not load your PDUs for the event unless you know that based on the above, we cannot do it for you, otherwise, Global will have two claims for the same event for you and it will be double-counted.  See below for how to modify a previously loaded claim.

Modify Previously Loaded PDUs

Have you ever needed to leave an event early and the PDUs loaded automatically?  Now PMI Global allows for you to change the PDUs that have been loaded after they have been approved. 

Log in to PMI Global and navigate to MyPMI. 

  • Click on View PDUs then Claim History.
  • Under Claim History, locate the event and click the event name.  At the bottom of the entry, click on Retract and Edit. 
  • Continue through the process and update the PDUs to the correct amount.  Submit to save.


Need more information?

For more information, webinars, and FAQs, click here to go to the PMI Global site.  Check out the CCR Handbook as well.  You may also contact the VP, Professional Development at ProfDev@PMIMileHi.org for any questions you may have.