Virtual Wednesday Chapter Meeting (SEP2023)

Power Skills

Welcome to PMI Mile Hi Chapter Virtual Chapter Meeting!


PDUs for this event:  2 PDUs for Power Skills




Presentor:  Lora Cheadle


An attorney, TEDx speaker, and leadership coach, Lora Cheadle shows professionals how to move beyond soothing the symptoms of burnout and resolve the root cause, which is oftentimes betrayal. Whether that betrayal is from a person, system, or the realization that you’ve spent your life in service to a dream that was not your own, Lora show individuals and teams how to break free from burnout and create meaning and satisfaction, both personally and professionally, so they can live, express, and create their lives fully before it’s too late.


Presentation:  “It’s Not Burnout; It’s Betrayal - A New Paradigm to Inspire Engagement & Well-Being"

“Burning out” and walking away has become routine. But the shocking truth about burnout, is that oftentimes it’s not burnout; it’s betrayal. In this presentation, audiences learn to reframe burnout as betrayal, address betrayal head in, and break free from disappointment so they can rekindle trust in themselves and their career.

Attendees will take away:

  • Differentiate burnout from betrayal so you can get to the root cause of what’s not working for you and your employees both professionally and personally and address it - once and for all.
  • Reclaim power and joy as you set mutual boundaries, unhook from drama, and find congruence between personal and corporate or firm goals.
  • Discover a 5-step process (FLAUNT!) to minimize the recurrence of betrayal and adeptly handle setbacks if and when they emerge.
  • Empower employees to reconnect to their authentic voice and shift from seeking to please, conform, and perform for others’ validation to innovation and self-validation.


Special Notes for the Virtual Meeting:

  • Registration for this event ends the Tuesday prior to the event at 5:00 p.m.  If you must register for this event after that time, contact the Help Desk ( up to 3:00 p.m. the day of the event to register (note that a late fee may apply).
  • The virtual meeting link will be sent out by the Help Desk the Tuesday evening prior to the event after registration closes at 5:00 p.m.  If you have not received the link by Wednesday morning at 10a.m., contact the Help Desk no later than 3pm (  Please ensure that you have the Help Desk email noted as a "safe sender email" so that it does not end up in your Spam box.  Refunds will not be given if you do not contact the Help Desk prior to 3pm and you are not able to gain access to the meeting.

Meeting Schedule

  • First part of the presentation: approx. 5:20 - 6:15
  • Break & Announcements: 6:15 - 6:40
  • Second part of the presentation: approx. 6:40 - 7:35


Refund and Cancellation Policy

You will be required to review and accept the PMI Mile Hi Chapter Refund and Cancellation Policy as part of your registration.  Please review it here.

For questions about the Chapter Meetings, contact the VP, Professional Development at


It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Event

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: September 13th, 2023

Hour: 5:30PM to 9:00PM

Late date:: 11 September 2023 to 12:00PM

Number of PDUs: 2


Members: $10.00

Non members: $15.00

Late member: $13.50

Late non member: $18.50
