Mile-Hi Chapter Membership & Renewal:

PMI Global Membership:

(Please search for "Denver" or "Mile-Hi" to find and add our chapter.)

If you are already a member of PMI Global and another local chapter but want to change your chapter affiliation to the PMI Mile Hi Chapter, please email your request to PMI National at

If you are a member of the national PMI organization and have no chapter affiliation but you would like to join the PMI Mile Hi Chapter, call PMI Customer Care (1-610-356-4600, Option 8).

If you have let your PMI membership expire and you want to reactivate your membership, call PMI Customer Care (1-610-356-4600, Option 8).

  • If the expiration period is less than 1 year, you will have to renew your membership from the expiration date
  • If the expiration period is more than 1 year, you will have to pay a $40 re-join fee, plus annual membership dues of $149