Virtual PM Pulse Meeting (JUN2024V)

Business Acumen

Welcome to PMI Mile Hi Chapter Virtual PM Pulse Meeting!


PDUs for this event:  1 PDU for Power Skills and 1 PDU for Business Acumen



Presentor:  Gabriella Parente


Gabriella Parente: Inspiring leadership speaker, author, and consultant with a remarkable record. Partnering with industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and more, Gabriella empowers leaders worldwide. Her signature workshop, "The Strengths Advantage," is acclaimed for unlocking team potential. A certified expert with academic and practical knowledge, she's your catalyst for transformative change. Visit


1st Presentation: "Cultivating Engagement and Retention in the Remote Work Era: Nurturing a Positive Remote Work Culture"

This speech explores strategies for fostering engagement and retention in the remote work era. It delves into the attributes that define exceptional remote employees, such as adaptability and communication skills. The speech also provides actionable insights and best practices for organizations aiming to create a positive remote work culture, emphasizing the importance of building a sense of belonging and maintaining a strong company culture in a distributed workforce.

Attendees will take away:

  1. Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Attendees will learn how to identify and cultivate the qualities that make employees excel in remote work settings, helping their organizations attract and retain top talent

  2. Building a Positive Remote Work Culture: The speech offers practical insights into creating a remote work environment that fosters engagement, teamwork, and a sense of belonging, ensuring employees remain motivated and connected despite physical separation.

  3. Adapting to the Remote Work Landscape: Audience members will gain a better understanding of how to adapt to the evolving remote work landscape, leveraging the unique opportunities it presents while effectively addressing the associated challenges.

  4. Strengthening Company Culture: The speech emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong company culture even in remote settings, helping organizations preserve their values and identity while supporting their workforce in the virtual realm.



Presentor:  Danette Munoz Shaifer, MBA


Danette Shaifer, Founder & Chief Empowerment Officer at Florishion Consulting and Coaching, has managed successful multi-million-dollar projects in global organizations and focused on a concentration in Project Management during her undergraduate degree. Her specialty is focused on empowerment in the workplace and helping leaders foster a thriving employee culture. Danette, an award-winning professional, continually seeks new development opportunities. Recently, she became one of three licensed facilitators of the Company Culture Board Game & Workshop, created by Stephanie Angelo. This workshop provides an interactive approach to enhance the workplace experience. 

2nd Presentation: "Nurturing a Positive Remote Work Culture"

Attendees will take away:

  • Building pathways to stronger communication.
  • Define best practices to promote effective collaboration.
  • Strengthening connections to the business and the people.
  • Identify opportunities to provide clarification. 



Meeting Schedule

  • Registration & Networking: 5:10 - 5:25
  • Announcements: 5:25 - 5:30
  • First presentation: approx. 5:30 - 6:30
  • Announcements: 6:30 – 6:45
  • Second presentation: approx. 6:45- 8:00


Refund and Cancellation Policy

You will be required to review and accept the PMI Mile Hi Chapter Refund and Cancellation Policy as part of your registration.  Please review it here.

For questions about the Chapter Meetings, contact the VP, Professional Development at



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Event

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: June 12th, 2024

Hour: 5:30PM to 9:00PM

Late date:: 9 June 2024 to 8:00PM

Number of PDUs: 2


Members: $10.00

Non members: $15.00

Late member: $13.50

Late non member: $18.50
